
Presents galore!

Well, today was a new one for us. Matt, Annika and I went shopping, and on the way home, you could just smell the present Annika was leaving for us. Knowing what was coming, Matt and I played paper/rock/scissors as to who was going to unwrap the present that our loving daughter left for her parents.

I lost.

Grudgingly, I took her to her changing pad, holding my breath the whole time. Without even taking her pants down, she was able to give me a peek of what was inside. Oh yes...through the front top of her pants, she let me have a preview. In fear, I ran out of the room. No way, could have my little angel thought so highly of her Mommy to leave such a present! However, I knew it was true...I knew that my wonderful little girl was very giving with her present! I reentered, a little more prepared....bath tub running, a stack full of wipes, and a washing machine ready and roaring for some clothes. Yes, indeed--her present deserved all this attention!

After a few dry heave-like convulsions, I managed to get her somewhat clean, and proceeded to the bath--hoping and praying the whole way she wasn't going to leave more of a present on mommy's shirt! All was well....no mishaps there! We managed through the bath (with her only peeing in the water). What a happy little girl she was then! After the bath, she had another bottle.

Then...she decided to leave Daddy a present.

Oh yes. I am not sure how someone so little could poo so much, but she did. She must love her Mommy more, as her present was bigger than Dad's! Her present to Dad did not require as much washing, but nevertheless she left her marking.

I couldn't help but take a picture, and yes--it is gross to put it on the blog. However, paybacks suck, and when I am old and senile I will have documented proof that I changed the diaper of the century. I will remind her of this fact when it comes time for mommy to leave her a present!
P.S. The worst thing about it is that it wasn't that her diaper leaked...it was just that full! (barf, barf)


Anonymous said...

Give me a break, that is the first and only time she's done that to you?????? LMAO!!!! Reagan got me 4 times during one chaning episode one time, good darn thing my Mom was there to laugh at me and start the bath.

Oh, if she's a good eater, watch out, Heather and Lisa were amazed at Reagan's output this weekend, between Saturday and Sunday at least 9 dirties. I still don't understand how they can be so cute and so gross all rolled into one.

By the way, I miss you lady!


Amber said...

LOL! Yup, this was the first time...but this morning she left me another present! Bigger then yesterday's even....argh! Ah well, if she wasn't so cute....but she is gross!