
Whew! It has been quite some time....

...yes, yes...I think this is the longest I have gone without posting. there just has been so much going on, that by the end of the day after the girls get down, I am shortly after them into snooze land....or trying to anyway. Sleep has been seeming to evade me at times lately--a lot going on.

As much of you know, Matt and I made the hard decision to leave here-the place where both of our children were born, the place that we bought (in our eyes) the perfect house, the place were we have loved being; with the (mostly) mild winters, the (mostly) cool summers, the place we have become a family.

Matt has taken an amazing position in Grand Forks, ND. Yes--that is right--Grand Forks, North Dakota. I could never be so proud of him--his hard work has paid off to be able to obtain the position he did. I greatly admire him to get to where he is at in his career, and couldn't love him any more.

Grand Forks. In North Dakota. In January. It will be quite a change...the girls have limited experience with snow and do not own any boots, snow pants or scarves. Of course, these items will be a way of life in a short time!

A lot of things are happening rather quickly here, and of course, we have the stress of the house--again! I said that we would never leave a house vacant again, but here we are. The winter will not be fun or anything, but the hardest thing is leaving our house. When we bought it 1 1/2 years ago, I had envisions of the girls growing up here, starting school, learning to ride their bikes outside in the front of the house. It is hard to know these pictures in my mind will not unfold here, but in some other place.
I know, home is where your family is, and I know that a new place will become home to us, probably sooner than later. It is just hard sometimes to not know what the future holds in store for us.
Matt flies out on January 4th, to start work on the 7th. In this time frame he is going to find a suitable place for me and the girls to move into. Our target date is Feb. 1st, with non-concrete plans of moving on the 15th. There are a lot of details to iron out, so the time frame is rather undecided at this point.
Thank you for all of your support with this. It was not an easy decision to make, but we feel it was a good one. Despite all the uncertainties and fears, we know this is a decision we will not regret.

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