
Ailing Annika

It is hard to believe that a place that brought me one of the happiest days of my life can also be the location of the scariest day of my life. As I type this, I am sitting in a hospital room, next to a crib which reminds of bars in a prison. Annika is playing with a few of her toys; not sure of what is going on.

She is not the only one. The doctors still are not sure of what is going on with her, besides the fact that she has a high fever. We are still waiting on some test results; possibly a urinary tract infection could be the root of her problems.

It started on Tuesday night--I thought she felt warm, however when I took her temperature, it was 99 degrees-- no need to worry. Wednesday it was business as usual--she went to daycare, Matt and I went to work. After a long day, when we got home I took her temperature again and it was high - 102.2 or so. Mind you, these are rectally taken, thus you are to subtract a degree from them. We gave her some Tylenol, and she was back to 99 degrees. So, we went to bed.

Yesterday morning, when we were getting up to get ready for the day, she once felt very hot. I took her temp and it was 102.8. I gave her some Tylenol and I went to work for a little bit. Matt stayed home, and we were able to switch places by late morning. When I got home, her temp soared to 103.8!! Oh my! So, I called the Dr, and we went in.

From there, it was thought it could be a kidney infection. He took a urine sample, some blood samples, and confirmed her temp was over 103--NON rectally. My little girl was a fireball! He immediately sent us to the hospital, for her to recieve antibotics via IV.

After unsucessfully trying to get an IV in her for a few hours, they finally gave her a shot. They also did an ultrasound on her kidneys. After all the poking and prodding, Annika was just having too much, and finally we went to bed. She slept rather well last night, and has been awake since early this morning...never a napper!

Her fever is still up and down; controlled with Tylenol. We were just told that we are going to be here another night, basically playing a waiting game. They do not know the source of her infection, and her kidneys look good. Probably a urinary tract infection, but want to keep her here for observation another night. She would have probably been able to go home tonight if they would have been able to get an IV in her, however have not been able to.

Keep her in your thoughts!

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