
We got keys! And a shy baby!

Yesterday was quite the day! Matt and I are officially homeowners in the state of Washington! At 5:30 last night, the keys were handed over to us! Of course, we promptly went to the house--taking a few suitcases and such. Matt is working with some movers to move our big stuff today and we will spend our first night there tonight!

Our other big news was we had our ultrasound yesterday morning! The baby looks good--right size and everything. But we also discovered the Wee One is very shy! No matter what we did, the radiologist technician could not get a clear view if we are having a boy or girl. As the Doctor said, "Don't throw out any pink you have, but keep any receipts for pink you may buy." Doesn't really help! Oh well--we will probably not find out, because unless it is medically necessary, we will probably not have another ultrasound.

I am at work now, I am unable to put up some pics--I know it has been awhile. When I have some time, I will try! And, I guess it depends if I can find the camera cord!

Have a great weekend!

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