

We are almost homeowners again! We signed all the paperwork today, and tomorrow we will get the keys! Yay! We are really excited! To think...6 years ago from tomorrow we received the keys to the Apple Valley house, and a year ago tomorrow we mailed our keys for the AV house, and tomorrow we will receive our keys to our new house! I guess we are meant to move on April 30th! It still isn't quite a reality yet--after all, they are not physically in our hands.

Our other excitement for tomorrow is we have the big ultrasound! We will find out if Annika will have a baby brother or a baby sister in 21 weeks or so! 9am is our appointment--hopefully all will go well!


Melissa said...

what is with you guys and your dates all coinciding? Didn't that happen with something else too? You guys should play the lottery with your numbers?

Congrats you guys!!

Amber said...

Melissa, that is funny you say that! I was just editing to add that!