
On the Mend...

Well, after the last 4 days of sickly Annika, she has finally come around. She is not crusty anymore and has a mild runny nose now. My poor little girl! She is as crazy as ever, though! Yesterday, she learned a new trick...it isn't one I am too fond of, but amazing to say the least! She has actually learned how to crawl up into her high chair, turn herself around and sit in it! Matt stayed home with her yesterday and he was first to witness this feat. I didn't believe him, but sure enough, last night she did it. And today she did too, a few times. I will not allow her to do it unless either of us are there; I don't need her falling! She has also learned to pull out our kitchen chairs and sit on them too! I think she is getting a little cabin fever--she has not left the house since Friday!

With her fever gone and her crustiness at bay, we will be able to return to normal life tomorrow, I believe! I stayed home today with her, and by about 10am she was back to normal. Under her eyes are still a little red, as she rubbed them so hard, but about 10 times better looking than the last pitiful pic! What a relief! Now, we just have to battle the torturous heat that we are going to encounter for the next week or so. This weekend the highs are in the 90s, and in the 10 day forecast, there is no rain in sight-- and they say it always rains here? On the news the other day they mentioned that the last time we had any rain of measurable amount was May 19th! AGH! Someone--please do a rain dance for me and our lawn!

Hope everyone keeps cool, and Annika is 15 months old now! Wow! How time flies by!

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