
Here it is...

...sorry we haven't been around too much. We were experiencing technical difficulties with the computer with the pics on it! Anyway, due to request, here is a belly pic...taken on Wednesday (7/22), at 31 weeks.

Annika is back to normal..although, even being sick she is still nutty! Her congestion is gone, and her eyes are not crusted shut anymore. She seemed to get her appetite back; meaning I have to go and do some grocery shopping (ick).

The weather here is just sucking, and going to get worse. In the 90s all week; not too much fun, especially being pregnant! The weather seems to make Annika sleepier though. At least we can be happy that we don't have the oppressive humidity! I do miss the rain, though...but kick me when I complain about it come this November, when we will get an inch a day.

There are more pics we took, but alas, they are downstairs and honestly, I just don't feel like going to get the camera to upload them! I will try to remember before the end of the weekend.

Have a good one!


Sarah said...

Wow Momma!

Amber said...

hey, only gained 15 lbs thus far...of course, the extra 20 from Annika are still there too...

Sarah said...

You look great, just looks like a big baby in there!