
Whew! What a weekend!

Sorry to all our readers out there--we have been very busy! Grandma and Grandpa Heaner came and visited from Wednesday evening through today! We had a great time--got a lot of household projects done, and undoubtedly caught up with each other--it has been since Christmas since we have seen them! It was a very nice visit! On Thursday Matt took off of work to help Kent with "manly projects" in the house. Meanwhile, Lee and Annika caught up with each other; reacquainting with one another. I think Annika gave Grandma a run for her money-the fearless little girl sure managed to keep Grandma on her toes! On Friday, Matt had to return to work, so it was only Grandma and Grandpa for most of the day! Matt and I managed to get out of work a little early; resulting in yet another trip to Home Depot for the boys while the girls took a nice walk; enjoying the beautiful weather!

On Saturday, Lee and I managed to sneak away to a farmer's market. It was gorgeous out, and we had a pleasant time-Annika stayed home with Daddy and Grandpa (and all went well!). Then, later that afternoon, we all jumped in the car and headed to a state park, named Flaming Geyser. It was kinda cool...basically it is a natural methane geyser that stays forever lit. It sounds cooler than it actually was, though! Nevertheless, we saw some beautiful scenery along the way. Also, Annika has overcome her fear of grass! Just when I thought I had it figured out-how to keep her contained for a bit, she decides to get brave and adventuresome. She still picks hard ground over grass, but now I have to look at other ways to contain her...

Today, Matt and Kent had to do one last run to Home Depot, while Lee, Annika and I headed to IKEA to deal with some curtains. Nothing too exciting, but before we knew it, it was time for the Grands to head home.

Annika really missed her Grandma, from the second that Daddy left with them to the airport. Inconsolable, Little Girl was so bummed that her Granny was gone, she shut down and went to sleep--for over 2 hours (which is unheard of).

Tomorrow we don't have too many plans. Perhaps I will think about attacking some of the unpacked boxes that continue to bug me. It would be a shame, however--as it is absolutely gorgeous out. I definitely think a visit to a park is in order for tomorrow; as it is a must to get out when the sun doesn't shine too much here.

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day, and welcome to the unofficial start of Summer!

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