
If it isn't one thing, it is another...

Camera: check. Beautiful day: check. Powered up camera: Oh no!

Matt and I decided to take a much needed break yesterday, and get out and about. Annika was more than happy to have another adventure too! So, we loaded up in the car, and off we went to Lake Wilderness park--which is about 3 miles or so from here. The park was absolutely beautiful! It had the coolest playground set I have ever seen (why didn't they make them like this when I was a kid?), many open spaces and a beach right on the lake. Granted, it was around 80 degrees outside (or so the car thermometer said), but I did not think the lake was warm enough to swim in....didn't stop some people! Annika had a blast; we walked barefoot along the beach area and did a lot of people and doggie watching.

I think I *finally* figured out how to keep the little girl in one spot! She is so brave with so many things, but when it comes to walking on grass, I have never seen such a scared little girl! Matt and I brought a blanket and laid on it, and Annika would get to the edge of it, and stop dead in her tracks. She tried to test the grass, only to back up and lunge into Daddy's arms! She was a prisoner on the blanket! Now, if I can only put grass through out my living room, perhaps it would be easier to get things done...

Today we don't really have too many plans. Matt plans on mowing the lawn (hee hee...even typing that line makes me giggle!) and I have been on a little hiatus from curtain hanging and I should get back to it. My goal is to get the curtains hung in the living room and in the guest room because we will be having guests this week! We are definitely looking forward to it, and I think the weather will actually cooperate.

Have a great week!

P.S. We are apartment free! Yay!! No more apartment for us!!!

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