
Melissa mayhem!

Our good friend, Melissa has come out for a visit! She arrived on Saturday morning, and will be leaving Wednesday evening. It has been a good time! On Saturday, we just laid low--Melissa had quite a long day; leaving MN at 6am; and Brooke had a partyin' night the night prior, so naps for all! Then, on Sunday, Melissa and I ventured to Pike Market, which is always a good time. Matt was a brave, brave soul and spent over 4 hours with the just girls alone! Whew! He did a good job--both the girls were happy and the house was still standing! Superdad even managed to get the dishes down and tidy up the kitchen! Yes, I have the world's sexist husband!

Matt took today off of work, to help out with the kids...but since he was superdad yesterday, today Matt and Melissa ventured out to Seattle to take the underground tour. (found at http://www.undergroundtour.com/) It was not a place for kids, so I volunteered to stay at home with the girls--the tour is more interesting to Melissa and Matt than me, anyhow. I hope they have fun!

Matt will be going back to work tomorrow, so I am not sure what will be on our agenda. It is really rainy out, and will be rather wet for the rest of the week, but we will see! Either way, we are having a great time, and Annika is in love with her new buddy!

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