
Wat(tie) a time!

I know it has been QUITE some time since I have blogged--life has been rather hectic lately! Matt left for Minnesota this past Wednesday to stand in Rob and Angela's wedding, and finally returned today! Annika has been thrown off her game without her daddy around--she did not like to take any of her naps--very stubborn. After fighting napping for so long, I gave up on it, just for her to take a snooze in her high chair!

Jen (aka Wattie) made the trek out here, and helped Annika forget that her daddy was gone for a few days! The two had such great fun together! On Thursday, we went for a walk together and just hung out--Annika had to get to know this person, as I had to work Friday in the morning for a few hours, and Jen kept an eye on her. When I got home, the two were the best of friends! I am not sure who was more pooped---Annika or Jen! They had quite an active morning of playing! Then we did all went out for a little shopping and came back to just some good old hanging out time. On Saturday, we really putzed around, just hanging out for most of the morning, and took a little trip to IKEA just to check things out. On the way home, we stopped at a park and Annika had a BLAST (as did Jen!). I took many pics--but there was no way I could keep up with those two! Annika was a force to be reckoned with--she climbed up steps and slides, swung in a swing (she wasn't too much of a fan) and general debauchery running around in circles in the wood chips in the park. Needless to say, she was quite a tired little lady when she went to bed! Then Jen and I hung out again.

Today was a day of sadness and happiness! Jen had to go back to Minnesota today--we were both very happy about the time we had with her, but very sad for it to be too short. After Jen left, it was just Annika and I again for what seemed like forever--but in actuality, just a few hours later, Daddy got home! Annika was SO happy to see her daddy again! She has not let him leave her sight since! She truly is a Daddy's girl! I know that Daddy missed her just as much, if not more!

It is hard to believe the weekend is over already--for me, anyway. Matt still has off of work tomorrow, so him and Annika will get to spend the day together, but I have to go back to work (boo!). It was just such a great weekend and it went by way too fast. It seems like it has been forever since Matt has been home, but at the same time it seems like the weekend went way too fast!
Thankfully, I did not go into labor with Matt in Minnesota! I was a little worried about that, considering that on Wednesday after we dropped Matt off at the airport, I had a Doctor's appointment, and learned I am dilated 3 centimeters! The doctor was a little surprised himself! But I think Wee One is content for a little while longer, but soon, Annika will be a big sister! Matt and I are still trying to finalize some names, and working on Wee one's room. Undoubtedly, this will be on our agenda for the next couple of weekends!
I hope everyone out there is doing well and has a great week!

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