
Isn't it August, not Halloween?

Annika seems to think it is Halloween again! She rediscovered her Halloween glasses and LOVES to put them on and walk around with them! It is so funny! I swear, this girl brings us so many laughs! This, combined with her fascination with the pumpkin bucket (of which we have since hidden) makes me believe that Halloween is her favorite holiday!
Everything is going great here! Time just seems to be flying by lately--the weeks are just meshing together. I am now 34 weeks pregnant, so I am having a hard time moving around sometimes--especially getting in and out of bed in the middle of the night. I know that in no time, Matt and I will soon be out numbered by the kids (counting Athena!). Everything is going good--I am tired, of course, but I am not anemic this time around as I was with Annika. Also, with the heat whittled away, I am not facing too much swelling in my feet. But I am getting big! I think I graduated from the "big as a townhouse" to "big as a house" status! Oh well...as long as the baby is healthy!
We are hoping I don't go into labor early, when Matt is in Minnesota! Next Wednesday he flies to MN to stand in Rob's wedding! I think it would be a great wedding to go to, but I can't travel! So, Annika and I will stay back here--hoping baby doesn't come! At least we will have some comfort--Auntie Wattie is going to come and visit! Yay!!! Annika loves Wattie (as do I!) and it will be great to see her! I can't wait! From when Matt leave to when Wattie arrives, we will have about 26 hours--hopefully no labor in that time!
Have a great one! It will probably be a few days before I post again; as it is crunch time on Matt's thesis, and he will probably be using the main computer a lot this week/weekend.

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