
Chasing Annika

Nothing too new to report here; as I am getting bigger and less mobile, Annika is getting bigger and more sprite! This is a video of a typical Daddy/Annika play time--I swear, she is the Energizer Bunny--she keeps going and going!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! The weather here is beautiful--mid 70's! Such a refreshing change! We have resumed our walks, much to Annika's liking. We usually only let her walk 2 blocks until we hit the main thru road in our development, however tonight Matt picked her up to cross the street and she continued to walk for an additional 4-5 blocks or so! Soon she will walk the whole development! Our walks are about .6 miles, so not very far, but for little baby feet and a waddling mommy sometimes it seems longer than that!

Oh, and Annika's new trick she learned this weekend was not only will she bring our shoes when she wants to go for a walk, but she will now put on her own shoes! It is quite impressive--and she usually gets them on the correct feet! Another quirk that she picked up was she puts on her sunhat! It is funny, because usually when we go for walks, she doesn't wear it--the sun is usually going down. Of course, with all the effort she puts into it, we can't deny a walk (even if Mommy's back is hurting and Daddy is hard at work)! She sure has her Mommy and Daddy wrapped around her finger!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful family with all of us. You always bring a smile to my face. Love, Auntie Jean