

This blog, for the most part, is about what is going on in our lives. A lot has happened in the past 18 months--Matt and I took a leap of faith and moved across the country, despite still having a house in Minnesota, we had a beautiful, amazing, loving, mischievous, adoring--among a million other things--little girl, and we have been fortunate enough to be able to settle into a new house, with another wonderful child on the way. Sometimes I wonder what I did to get so lucky. As most of you know, I am not a religious person, nor a really faithful one, but sometimes you have to wonder...

Moving across the country not knowing anyone was quite a change. We have some great friends and family we left in Minnesota, which we miss dearly. We have also gotten to know a new set of people here, which every day seems to amaze me. One person in particular is about the bravest person I know. Yeah, yeah...I went to war, blah blah blah, and met some great people over there, but I just can't get this person out of my mind, so I thought I would share her story.

Heather is a fellow co-worker of mine at the Animal Supply Company, and has become quite a friend. Married to Brett, they have four dogs and no children. When a family situation arose, Heather and Brett did not hesitate to step up and offer themselves to a little girl, named Brooklyn. Brooklyn is a 17 month old, adorable girl; Heather's great niece. Her niece, being only 17 years old, is unfortunately, unable to care for Brooklyn. Without hesitation, Heather and Brett have offered to not only foster care for her, but adopt her. Their background checks have been submitted, and now they are playing a waiting game--waiting for the phone to ring so they can bring Brooklyn into a safe, loving environment.

I feel compelled to write this because I only know a few people who would actually do this. They are going through an excruciating time right now--at a standstill, wanting to get ready to bring this little girl home, but having to wait through the bureaucratic red tape.

I can not imagine doing what they are embarking on. They don't have the 9 months to prepare for a child to come into their home; hell, they will be lucky if they get more of a 9 hour notice. I am just hoping everything works out; as this child deserves a loving, safe home.

Like I said, I am not religious, I don't pray, per say, but please if you do, please think of Heather, Brett and Brooklyn. These are good people that have stepped up to the plate and are making a truly great decision. I will be sending as many positive vibes as I can, and hoping the painful process of waiting comes to an end soon.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

ok, so you moved me to tears - darn it anyways! Well I do pray and I will add them to my list for ya! BTW - off topic - are you guys open the weekend of July
12th? Just lining up possible dates. :) xoxo