
Still unconnected...

yup. I have no idea where that stupid camera cord is. This is what I get for "putting it somewhere I wouldn't forget", and obviously I did. Once things settle down around here, we are going to have to consider getting another one.

With that, we have been very busy lately! We are trying everything in our power to get be done with the apartment by this weekend. We are 99.9% moved out and about 85% cleaned out. In the meantime, we are trying to get organized in our house. It has been some long days...usually Matt goes to the apartment after work and Annika and I are out buying curtains or something. By the time we all meet up again at home it is after 7pm; just enough time to eat dinner and get her to bed. Then I usually try to tackle a mini project here or there. So far we have one panel of a two panel set of curtains up--a big feat that already took 2 trips to the hardware store and 3 days to complete. Never mind I don't have the other panel up--that will consist of a lot of ironing and hemming the curtains. Definitely not my mother; I am scared to death to hem them. I was successful with pretty even hem on the first panel, but I don't know if I will be able to duplicate it, and make it even with the other panel. Oh well--the joys!

Annika was rather apprehensive at first about this big new house...she wouldn't allow Matt or I out of her sight. But now that we have been here a week and a half, she is showing us (once again) who really rules the house! It did not take her long at all to discover and master stairs--she has gotten very quick going up them. Thankfully, she is smart about going down them too. Of course, either Matt or I are with her when she ascends Mt. Stairs!

We also are going to be welcoming our first real guests in a week! Grandma and Grandpa Heaner are going to make the trek to the west to see us! It will be a good time, as we have not seen them since Christmas! Undoubtedly, we are going to put them to work--hanging shelves and whatnot. Hopefully I convinceLee into making some of her yummy cookies! (and yes, the oven does work--unlike my mother, I have used it in the first few days of living here!)

Well, that is it for now...time to look for that stupid cord again..or just go to sleep.

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