
A Wanted Woman

We went back to the hospital today and Annika received her last round of injected antibiotics. Some preliminary labs results came back, confirming a UTI. She has a few follow up appointments this week--including her regular doctor and a radiologist appointment to see why this happened. At the current moment she is napping--surely tired of being poked and prodded.

I am not sure what is going to happen this next week. With a weaken immune system, Matt and I are going to work out something to keep her out of daycare for the week. With all the appointments that she has, we are going to be juggling schedules regardless.

We are so relieved her fever is a thing of the past. She was a little trooper through it all, and even managed to gain some weight through the whole ordeal! She is at 15 pounds, 12.8 ounces. Wow! She is a hefty little one!

For the rest of the day we are just going to try to spoil her as much as possible--there are not enough hugs and kisses we could give her!

P.S. Here's to post #200!


Melissa said...

Yeah, at least you know the results finally and can move forward. She's a cutie, give her some extra hugs and kisses from the Kocina's!

Anonymous said...

Annika, glad you're feeling better and not making your mommy worry so much. Uncle Chris and I can't wait to see you on Wednesday...you better rest up. Tell your mommy and daddy "Hi"...

Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear Annika is feeling better! Now is mommy and daddy going to get some rest! - looks like you may have some help later this week, good for you!
Hope all else is fabulous in WA!
~ Holly