
1/2 a year old!

It is so hard to believe our little ball of Joye has been in our lives for 6 months! We can not imagine lives without her! It is so fun to see how much she changes everyday. She has been sitting on her own very well now, usually for 5 minutes at a time now. She is also getting so big! We went to another Dr.'s appointment today, and she weighed in at 15 pounds, 15 ounces. Wow! Like a little weed, she keeps growing and growing. She truly makes life great! We love the little girl so much!

After her stint in the hospital, she has been very good. She is on some pretty serious antibiotics for the next couple of days. She takes them well, but I think it may give her a stomachache. This combined with the iron supplements we have to give her leads to an interesting time! She has is also sleeping less; the Dr. thought that was because she spent some time in the hospital. All I have to say is that I am grateful I am not working this week, as for the last 2 nights she has decided 3:30 a.m. is a good time to play (and not nap again until 10 a.m.).

Tomorrow she has a date with the radiologist bright and early--8:45. She is going to be injected with some dye and they are going to check to see if her plumbing is okay. They are going to take a urine sample and send it to the lab to ensure everything is cleared up. Then we are hoping this is all we have to see of doctors for awhile (or a week anyway--until her 6 month wellness appointment on Halloween). [More needles for my little girl :( ]

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