
1 Year!

Five hundred, twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes! Our little baby Brooke is 1 year old today! I can't believe it has been a whole YEAR. WOW. Everyday, my little girl makes me smile. She is such a fun little one, and so fun to be around!

I made her a Froggie cake--it didn't turn out like I wanted it to, but it was okay :) Brooke seemed to like it--it was her first taste of sugar!

The wonderful Cooley family came over for some cake and ice cream--I think we all had a pleasant time! It has been awhile since we have all seen each other, so it was great to visit with them again! As always, the Cooleys seemed to spoil the little ones--not just Brooke, but Annika too! They came bearing gifts for BOTH the little girls!
Big thank you to the Cooleys for everything!!!
To the Grands and Great-Grands back in Minnesota, we will see you soon--with a newly 1 year old in tow!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, I didn't even realize that it was her Birthday yesterday, happy beleated Brooke! Momma, your cake was adorable, I am so proud!