
Whole lot of quaking going on!

Today, while we were at work, the building shook! Not once, but twice! Whew! Everything seemed okay, called Matt and daycare, and all was well. We survived our first earthquake! That was nothin'!

Except it wasn't an earthquake. Pandemonium seemed to breakout slightly at work and within minutes it was on all the news outlets: it was a sonic boom. Our fearless leader, President Obama (aka "Obooma" as the locals are now referring to him) was in town and a Cessna plane was in the "no-fly" zone. What we heard and felt was fighter jets flying at sonic speeds, causing quite an uproar.


What a way to turn up the excitement. When I got to daycare, I asked Annika how her day was. And her response: "Boom Boom!"

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