
A little Hiatus...

Whew! I can't believe it is now mid January! Time sure has flown by! Matt and I are as busy as ever; the girls keep us on the move! Plus, we have all been afflicted with an illness or a cold here. I guess the girls know how to share!
I still can't believe my little cuddle monkey is 4 months old now! Wow! She is so expressive and cute! She had her 4 month wellness check the other day, and is up to 12 pounds, 6 ounces--or the 25th percentile. Her height, however, is in the 75th percentile--26 inches! She is quite a long baby! It is hard to go to work everyday--even though I see her at lunch everyday, it seems she grows so much and I feel like I am missing it!
Annika is as crazy as ever! She loves her book--Richard Scarry's Things That Go (found here) so much so that it drvies Matt and I absolutely nuts! She has gotten so good with it that she has managed to memorize every page and locate Goldbug before we can even completely turn the page. She is truly a fanactic about it, and will throw a fit if she doesn't get her Goldbug fix! We try to limit going through the book 3 times a night, but sometimes that just isn't enough. I think I am going to have to invest in some Where's Waldo or something of the like to get her off of her Goldbug addiction--something a little more challenging!
By the way, happy #401! Yes, this is the 401st posting! Wow! How we have all grown and changed! I have a feeling it is going to take longer to get the next 400 out as fast (especially if I go 2 weeks between postings!)

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