
The way the cookie crumbles..

...call it motherhood, call it the fact I finally have a big kitchen, call it some holiday cheer, call it what you want, but Annika and I made Christmas cookies on Sunday! Yes, a feat I have never done before, for some reason I was possessed to make about 5 dozen cookies from scratch! Annika and I had a blast! It took just about all day (with a nap time break in there), but if I do say so myself, they turned out rather tasty. We even made our own frosting! They are all gone now...Matt and I each brought some to our work and we also gave some to our neighbor. So far no one has died yet, so I guess that was a trial run. I am sure we will make some more this holiday season!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmm - wine & cookies :)