
Funny little thing called life...

...wow! It has been such a whirlwind month! It has been a month now since I have been back to work. Being at home with the girls seems like a distant memory! I miss them so much during the day--it seems like the only saving grace is having the ability to see them at lunch. They seem to be growing so much before our eyes! During the week, life is so hectic sometimes it is hard to able to spend a lot of time with the girls--I just don't think I can hug and kiss them too much! They have developed such personalities, it is great!

Lately, we have been able to get Brooke to laugh! I love her laughing and her cooing so much! She has the biggest smiles! When I see her at lunch and when I pick her up after work she is always good for a great big smile! So cute! She is a good baby, too--most nights sleeping six or seven hours straight! And I swear--every day she looks more and more like Annika and her daddy. I am surrounded by an army of mini Matts!
Annika is really getting into Christmas. We have been telling her about Santa, but I am sure it will take some time for her to totally comprehend the concept. She absolutely LOVES Christmas lights! It is so fun to see her reaction to people's lights. The other night, Matt and I loaded the girls in the car for a nice drive around our town to see different lights. She is all "OOOOHs and AAAAAHs" and lots of other noises that I can't quite understand. It is definitely entertaining nevertheless. It really makes Christmas lights mean something when you see them through the eyes of a young child.

All of us girls are all plagued with a cold. It started with Annika and I, and unfortunately, it has hit Brooke now too. Thankfully, it seems somewhat short lived. Annika and I are doing a lot better, but still coughing a little here and there. Poor little Brooke though--seems it is just starting with her and when she coughs it is just heart wrenching. I hope her cold will last the 2 or so days it affected Annika and I.
Everything else is going pretty well here. Unlike our Midwest followers, we have not had to battle any snow (knock on wood). We have had record lows this past week--high teens at night, and hovering around the freezing mark during the day. We are supposed to warm up to the normal mid 40's by this weekend, but there may be a slight chance of snow prior to that. Who knows? I don't mind the "bitter and brutal" cold (as the weather people say)...it really isn't too bad; the sun has been shining and little to no wind, it doesn't feel too brutal anyway.

Not sure about any plans this weekend. We still have a lot of Christmas shopping to do, but no patience. I am thinking about another cookie making day, perhaps expand my horizons and make different kinds. We will see...usually my eagerness dwindles down by then end of the week.
Hope everyone in MN is staying warm and cleared out from the snow! Take care!

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