
Low Key weekend

A little artiste! Annika made a pretty picture for us this weekend! Of course, she started to think the crayons looked tasty, and wasn't too happy when I took them away! But surely, this will hang on our fridge and someday, it will be hung in a great art gallery!

We didn't do too much this weekend; I am just getting too uncomfortable to really do much, and Matt has been working diligently on his thesis. So, we stayed home most of the weekend. On Friday after work Annika and I took a little trip around the mall and visited some doggies at work. Then all rest of the weekend we just tried to stay cool. It was about 90 here all weekend, but we survived--it doesn't get too unbearable until about 4:30 or so. What a difference it is from 103! Annika's uniform for most of the weekend was a diaper. A few times she managed to get away from me when changing her diaper, and streaking was a good past time--thankfully no accidents!

Annika also sported a new hairstyle, of which didn't last too long--she pulled it out. Without much hair, it was pretty difficult to keep it in anyway.

Annika is really seeming to love her pool; as is her mommy! Yup, I have no shame--I jumped right in with her and splashed around! Today she was so cute...I got her in her suit and all ready to go, and she actually brought me her sunhat and shoes! She was very anxious to get into the pool. I also taught her another trick---after she gets done grunting while making a present in her diaper, on cue she says "Daddy! Daddy!" It is great! Never mind the fact that she ALWAYS says "Daddy! Daddy!"...it is a great technique nevertheless.

Hope everyone has a great week, and try to stay cool! Hey, on Thursday they are saying 70 for the high and a *chance* of rain...keep your fingers crossed!

(also, a few new pics in the album!)

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