

Yes, yes...it has been quite a while since I posted. I am aware of this. We have just been busy, and just spending a lot of time enjoying each other. Annika is as active as ever, and of course as cute as ever! As she is speeding up, I am slowing down....I am getting a bigger and bigger everyday, and of course, my bladder is getting smaller and smaller.

The week is always so hectic for us! By the time we get home, have supper, and go for our walk, before we know it, it is 8pm or so, just time to give Annika a bath, read to her and get her to bed. Then it is bed time for me as well!

The fourth of July was rather uneventful. We went to a party one of Matt's co-workers and had a pleasant time--Annika was a ham as always wooing everyone around her! At about 9 or so Matt took us home to get Annika to bed (he went back to the party), and Annika was out like a light! She slept through the most obnoxious, annoying 3 hour display of fireworks ever! Maybe next year she will be old enough for daddy to take her to the real fireworks....

Not much else has really gone on here--we got her a kiddie pool, but she didn't seem to take to it very well. Maybe we will try again when it warms back up outside! I did get some good pics of the cute little one, but since I am at work, I will have to find some time to post them when I get home tonight.

We are planning on having a housewarming open house this Sunday---it should be nice! Anyone is invited! We are going to have to start preparing for it soon!

Take care! and I will try to get more pics up!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

now, if I would have known about this open house a few weeks/months earlier I might have been able to show up-lol. Have fun and don't feel guilty about slowing down, it happens for a reason!