
Open house success!

We had our open house yesterday--it was a great time! It was really nice to see everyone, and I think everyone had a good time. The food was a success--most of it was gone by the end of the afternoon! Annika was cute as ever! She wasn't quite sure what was going on with so many people in our house, but it didn't take her long to warm up to people. Playing the ever gracious hostess I am, I did not get too many pics--the camera was kind of a forgotten thing. I did, however get a nice pic of her with her "Auntie" Patty. She took a particular liking to Patty, as when she was crabby and Matt put her down for a nap, little party girl did NOT want to go to sleep. So, Patty went and rescued her from her crib, and viola! Annika had a new best friend. She let Patty hold her and cuddle with her for quite some time! I managed to get a pic of the two girls....
Not much going on this week, but being reminded that I am married to an old man! Matt's big 3-3 is tomorrow! Wow! How time has flown by! To celebrate his birthday we will actually be going out a on DATE on Friday night! Complete with a babysitter and all! Being that Annika has only been babysat a handful of times before, this is a big step for her and for us! Our neighbor has a 15 year old daughter who is going to be watching Annika that night. I am a worrisome mommy, but knowing that she is CPR certified and took babysitting classes, and the fact her Dad will be home next door, puts me at ease (a little). I know we will have nothing to worry about, but it will be strange! It will be nice though, to be able to enjoy time alone with my old man of a husband!
Hope everyone has a good week!


Melissa said...

where did she get that awesome blanket?

Amber said...

LOL, Melissa! She LOVES it! She will not go to sleep without it!