

There are a few times that Annika truly surprises us. Everyday she seems to learn more things and put her knowledge to use. For instance, she knows how much she is not supposed to pull the toilet paper off the roll in the bathroom, but this just motivates the smart cookie to do it more. She knows how to press one's buttons and she knows which buttons to press.

But other times she surprises us in a different way. For instance, tonight after supper when it was time to go for our nightly walk, Matt pointed at his foot and told Annika, "Get your shoes". Without any hesitation, she made a beeline across the room to her shoes, grabbed them, and ran back to Daddy, promptly plopping her butt down and thrusting her feet in his direction. Such a smart girl!

Then, there are other times, when you just think you know your child so well, she does something to throw a wrench in your ideas about her. Annika is a little spitfire that always just keeps on going - no matter how tired or exhausted she is. It is very rare (the last time I remember is her 1 year birthday) that she just crashes. She usually still runs around, as if her tiredness just fuels her energy even more. When she is especially tired she usually runs around like a drunkard, falling places, but never just stops. If we make it to the "drunk walk" time, we will just put her to bed, and she will usually fall right asleep. But never, ever, does she just chill. Until the other night. Matt was sitting at the island on the computer, and I was standing on the other side looking through the paper. As usual, Annika was running around, chasing the cat, and causing general mayhem. Then....silence. Anytime there is silence I get worried. So I looked around the corner, and there she was. Just on the floor, still as still can be. Her eyes were open, and she was just lying there on her belly! Who was this child?!? Surely not my Annika! Of course, Matt and I had to marvel in this unknown act, and take several pictures before getting her to bed...but seriously...what happened to my little girl?!? Strange!

Anyway, I had to share, because it is still so strange to me. It wasn't even late by her standards, but I think the pain and annoyance of her molars coming in (she has her bottom two broke through, and her top two are close), she just doesn't know what to do! My little baby! Needless to say, she slept very good that night!

I have put up a new album, as it is now summer! We kicked it off with going to the first Maple Valley Farmer's Market on Saturday. It was tiny, and I think Annika had allergies to something...there were a lot of herbs and spices in the air, but it seemed to irritate her. We didn't stay long, and soon after we left her watery eyes cleared up. It was a little odd...I am not sure if Annika is coming down with something...it is hard to tell sometimes with her...she does not have a fever, but things are just a little off with her lately. I will chalk it up to her molars coming in, and keep an eye on her.
Anyhow, take care, and have a great week!

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