
Like Father, Like Daughter

...Lovin' Diet Coke (ick)! I hope everything is going well for all out there! We are doing good; I am starting to feel a little better. Still queasy at times (especially when I think of soup), but all in all, doing okay.
Annika is getting more silly by the day! I swear, it doesn't take much to keep her entertained for a long time! On Sunday we went out to dinner with Stacey and John to Black Angus -a restaurant we have wanted to go to since we moved here. Annika was great -she got a little antsy after an hour and a half or so...but understandable. Just a little ham, though - she loves to absorb her surroundings and flirt with anyone that walks by!
She has been working on her standing. A few times this week she has let go of anything around her and has managed a record 4 seconds before falling! It is just so amazing that she grows so fast! Sometimes I miss the little blob baby - the immobile Little One where I didn't have to constantly chase her away from the cat food. For some reason, she hates vegetables, I usually have to mix them with fruit, but she LOVES going after Athena's food. Not good; I am constantly trying to keep her away from it. So tiring!
Hope everyone is doing okay!
P.S. Really, Annika has more than just this outfit, but it seems like most of her pics are in this! She actually has 2 of the same ones....so it seems like I never change my child's clothes!


Sarah said...

What you have to keep matt out of the cat food too?

Amber said...

Sometimes....it gets ugly if you don't feed him..

Melissa said...

Look at those teeth! She looks older already. I thought you liked the Diet Coke? I'm so confused! Congrats on the ultrasound too - so wonderful!

Amber said...

I do drink Diet Coke...Caffiene Free these days..but I don't drink it to the magnitute Matt does...he goes through multiple cans a day.