
You have entered the Matrix...

Sa-ved by ze-ro! Savedbyzero! Savedbyzero!
Alright, I hate that commercial, as I am sure everyone else and their mother does. It has got to be the most annoying advertisement I have ever heard. But as ashamed I am to admit, it works. It started on Thursday night...Matt and I were enjoying some wine and that dreaded commercial came on the TV...again. Except this time, I mentioned that it isn't *that* bad of an idea. Well, needless to say, that gave Matt the permission to hit the ground running. We immediately jumped on the Internets, and came up with a 2009 Toyota Matrix. Good reviews, great miles per gallon, nice safety options, good resale value, and relatively cheap. I have been secretly thinking we needed something a little bigger for Annika's sake, and I guess there was no better time than the "saved by zero" time to buy new!

Annika was a trooper - the entire process took about 7 hours, but she stuck with it rather well! We managed to haggle the price, by leaving and going to another dealership - worked great! While we were at other dealerships, the Toyota called back and said they would take a few grand off. The excitement of it all was fun! Of course, that made the Ford dealership basically offer whatever we wanted for the Corolla, but the mpg ratings and of course, the savedbyzero was not there.

Hence, back to Toyota we went. Three hours later, we became the proud new owners of a 2009 Matrix S. I will be the primary driver of it, as Matt will use the Nissan for work.
Annika approves!

Had to take the obligatory posing by the car pics:

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