
5 WHOLE months!

Wow! I am just a walking cliche, but my god, how time goes by! Annika is 5 months today, and just a bundle of joy(e)! Everyday, she seems to change so much--she is getting so big! And with every day, she becomes more of an active little girl. She is so alert and always wanting to grab things. She also has been trying pretty hard to sit up on her own...she is still unsuccessful in her endeavors, but honestly, I don't mind. I want her to stay a little baby! She also tries to stand, and although she gets tired and her legs start to give out, her stubborn streak (from her dad) pushes her on. Nevertheless, Little One seems to want to grow up faster than her mommy could handle!

In order to celebrate her birthday, we spent the day with Great Grandma Jean and her friends. For lunch, we met Jean's nephew--which is Matt's second cousin (or I suppose 1st cousin-once removed--but that is just confusing). It was really nice to meet him; John lives in Olympia, which is about an hour and a half away. He is expecting his first grandchild in March, so he was pretty excited to meet little Annika.

After lunch, Jean and the ladies came back to our pad and we all just hung out. Nothing too exciting, but visiting was very nice. The crazy ladies are heading up to Canada tomorrow, and then only god knows where!

Then.....little Annika got her 5 month birthday present! That is right, she got to have a taste of prunes. I think it will be the gift that keeps on giving! I feel bad for the daycare lady come the next few days! Annika seemed indifferent to them. She still doesn't really know what is going on when a spoon comes near her, but she is getting better. I think she was definitely more interested in eating her feet instead.

I hope everyone has a good week! I will try to post a little more this week, but it gets hard! Oh, and a new folder is made for Annika! Check out the pics!

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